Investing in real estate can be an excellent strategy to produce passive income independently of your primary source of revenue. In this episode, Stephanie Walter shares her experience investing in real estate passively and how it has transformed her life.
Key Takeaways To Listen For
Importance of networking and building a team in the multifamily busines
How rich people invest their money
Disadvantages of 401k investment
Benefits of investing in multifamily syndication
Tips on how to start investing in syndication
About Stephanie Walter
Stephanie Walter is the CEO of Erbe (arbay) Wealth and a legacy cashflow specialist, capital raiser, syndicator, and real estate investor. She has been a financial educator for 15 years and a real estate syndicator. Stephanie’s passion is teaching people to “unlearn” what most of us have been wired to think about money and re-educating people on attaining wealth that can be passed onto the next generation. Stephanie lives with her husband and young son in Colorado.