This week prior to Thanksgiving finds each of us at a different place. Some of us are preparing to close up early. Others of us may face a pre-holiday, pre-Black... read more →
Dear Clients and Friends: Season’s greetings to you this holiday season! As is our tradition during December, we want to publicly thank our Creator God for His love and... read more →
I am intrigued about the new leadership lessons Second City continues to work up. Tim Yorton, CEO of Second City Works, brings us important lessons from the world of improv... read more →
I’ve been pondering what constitutes a great relationship. Even tougher, how do you translate a nascent good relationship into an online experience? Let’s reflect upon what works well for in-person... read more →
Over the last two weeks, we’ve learned from the impact life purpose has in undergirding the lives of two “business” owners. This is the time of year when successful business... read more →
Want To Solve The People Puzzle? Give "Power To The People!" In our last ABA Insider, we began giving you tips for recession-proofing your company by solving the people puzzle. Our... read more →
Last week I referenced the practice of journaling as a tool to prepare yourself as leader for “presencing.” Journaling is like panning for gold: you’ve got to sift through a... read more →
Investment firm owners have many hats to wear. A few of these are worn daily and include quick pivots from Owner to Advisor to Operations Manager to IT to Sales.... read more →
So what is your Money Type? (I am a Magician first but, under duress, am influenced by the Innocent) Were you surprised about what you discovered? Armed with the awareness... read more →
Take our Survey Some of you are new to our weekly online Journal, have been reading the monthly Strategic Edge or come to us from reading Jon Hokama’s “Liminal Dimensions”... read more →